How do download files generated in AI Assistants? 您所在的位置:网站首页 Sample txt document File Download How do download files generated in AI Assistants?

How do download files generated in AI Assistants?

2024-06-29 22:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

That is the way to download it via python programmatically, ok. It works. But what if I want to download the generated file while I’m in the playground using Safari? The link to download the file gives error and says that the javascript is not valid, while the button to download the file in the files section doesn’t do anything. Telling the Assistant that the download link doesn’t work, or asking for a link to the file, even specifying the file ID, will make the assistant answer with a link to a google server!!


If I ask again, the Assistant apologizes, and then answer with this other link:


Both are completely bogus links…

Conclusion: ATM there is no way to download a file generated by the AI using the browser when using the playground to test the assistants.






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